April Vacation

We realize many of you have already made travel plans for April vacation but we would like to offer a 3-day baseball camp for Majors Division (5th & 6th grade) and AAA (3rd & 4th grade) next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 9am-12pm at Mattakeesett.

Selfishly, this idea was born out of the fact that Coach Howe's own vacation plans have changed last minute (read: cancelled, booooo!) and there is NO WAY Nolan is sitting home on his Xbox all day!

To the right you will find details and a registration link. PLEASE register with your interest or intent to have your child attend - the sooner we know how many baseball players are attending, we can then determine how many coaches we will need.

If we have enough players, we MAY schedule a scrimmage game Friday night at Mattakeesett, but that will be a TBD. Thank you all, if you have any questions, please reach out to me directly, 617-595-6814.

Coach Howe (Majors)

Coach Stoddard (AAA)

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